Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your praises,gratefulness and gratitude. Do not just keep me on the stage, on the altar, put flowers and say, Jai Gurudev!’ Keep me in your heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot of gratitude and you feel like praising. But all this should be converted into your soul and make you blossom.
Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say JaiGurudev. Don’t say it only some times, say it all the time,everyday and every minute. All these qualities you see in me are also in you.
Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in you.Otherwise just doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting and running away, nothing will be born in you. If you only want to garland flowers, then go to temples. There are many idols there. There is no need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are many people in the world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland them.
If you have come to me, then change. Change from inside.
There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being on the path of knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything else will be bitter. Once you begin to float in this, you will never experience a lack of anything in any way in your life.
Don’t keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you have no benefit whatsoever. You are just wasting your time and mine too. Whatever I am, you are that too. Whatever you thought was impossible for you, I have come here to show you that it is possible.
This body, this prana, has only one mission. It has come for one reason - to introduce you all to your own self, to reveal the true self to you. Who are you? You are truth. You are shiva. You are beauty.
See, many people come here. Some come just to visit the place and say, “oh! nice.” some feel nice inside and say, “oh! nice energy!”they take few deep breaths and go back after one or two days in a good state of mind. Few others come and stay a little longer, while, while others just loot every thing. They take every thing. And that is good. Those are the kind of people I want. They must loot everything.

The shop is open. So loot all you can.
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