We are taught in our school history books that Alexander when he invaded India in 326 BCE defeated Porus

The defeated Porus was brought in front of Alexander, when Alexander asked Porus as to how he would like to be treated, Porus responded that he would like to be treated as a king. Alexander pleased with the brave words of the valiant Porus gave back Porus his kingdom and Alexander returned homewards to Babylonia, leaving behind his General Selucus Nikator on friendly terms with Porus.
However, the truth is totally opposite. Around 200 years back, before the British rule, everybody knew that Alexander was defeated by Porus and not the other way round. Our history also states that this turnaround by Alexander was because his army was tired, home sick, depressed and wanted to go back home.
Well a victorius army cannot be depressed!!!
Did we learn a distorted history???
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