Guruji was at the Satsang on the 3rd day. It is really a lesson in respect to see how He greets and receives and garlands the Swamis and Rishis from other Ashrams. That evening during the satsang one devotee asked a question on 'tark and vitark' and Guruji very beautifully diverted the question to Swamiji saying
"eska uttar to swamiji hi denge"
(Swamiji will answer this question).
Swamiji threw a glance at all of us sitting there and replied
"yeh sab to aapke bhagat hai, aaphi se sunna chahate hai"
(all these are your devotees and they want to listen from you).
Guruji spontaneously replied,
"yeh sab mere hai aur mein to aapka hoon Swamiji".
(they are all mine and I belong to you Swamiji)
You should had been there to see the spark on Swamiji's face. Till then i had only heard about melting moments. This was the first time i experienced it. After that Swamiji went on and on with the knowledge session. That evening Swamiji talked about one couplet from a Sufi saint,
"meri hi kudrat, mere hi jalwe, teri tamanna kaun kare.
Eshq hi awwal, eshq hi aakhir, husna parasti kaun kare."
Meaning - When this creation is mine and all its play and display is also mine, then who will crave for you? When love is the beginning and love is the end, who will get entangled in forms now?

Jai Guru Dev ! Beautiful Sharing...please share more...bout how you became a teacher !
Wonderful preeti!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for ur posts they are wonderful!!