Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Morya Morya.....
Friday, December 11, 2009
Correct timing to take water...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Our life is so much dependent on the people around us. There is nothing like being independent. From the Auto Rickshaw driver to the vehicle manufacturer, everybody has their part to play to make our travel safe and in time. We trust so much on engineering, that we never even think that the bus in which I am traveling might catch fire if the designing is wrong or if the vehicle is not tested properly for endurance before the launch.
The farmers from the land where I was born and brought up are in a very poor state today. If they decide that they no more want to continue with agriculture, how-so-ever rich we are, we will not have food to eat. Once during a Satsang, Guruji was telling us to bless “Annadata sukhi bhava” after our meals. Only when the farmers are happy, we can be happy. The food that tantalizes our taste buds passes through many many hands through its journey from the soil to our mouth.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Santa & the Priest
The delicious aroma from the grilled meats was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their Priest.
The Priest came to visit Santa, and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and much study, Santa attended Mass ... and as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, "You were born a Sikh, and raised a Sikh, but now dear, you are a Catholic."
Santa's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived.
The wonderful aroma of tandoori chicken and meat kebabs filled the neighborhood. The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and, as he rushed into Santa's backyard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Santa, holding a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meats and chanted:
"Oye, you waz born a chicken, and you waz born a lamb, you waz raised a chicken, and you waz raised a lamb
but now dears.... you are a potato and tomato"!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Make Sure
Monday, September 21, 2009
Pathan and the bus conductor
At the next stop, however, a big hulk like Pathan got in. Six feet four, built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the conductor and said, "Pathan doesn't pay!" and sat down at the back.
Conductor didn't argue with Pathan, but he wasn't happy about it. The next day the same thing happened, Pathan got on again, made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down. And the next day, and the next..
This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Pathan was taking advantage of poor conductor. Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff.
By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what's more, he felt really good about himself. So, on the next Monday, when Pathan once again got on the bus and said, "Pathan doesn't pay!"
The Conductor stood up, glared back at Pathan, and screamed, "And why not?"
With a surprised look on his face, Pathan replied,
"Pathan has a bus pass."
Just Try......... ......... .......
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Kya tere baap kaa road hai?"
I would like to believe that the following story actually happened.
- An apocryphal story involving Russi Mody. (Ex MD Tata Steel, Jamshedpur)
It is said that once Russi Mody was on an official trip to (the then) Bombay. Even though it was a Sunday morning, Russi had to visit Bombay House, the Corporate Head Quarters of the Tata Group. Russi was driving a Mercedes himself as it was a Sunday and there was very little traffic and also it was the chauffeur's day off. Russi was wearing simple shorts and a T shirt.
Knowing that he would take just a few minutes to finish his work in Bombay House and that it was a non-working day in the business district with very low traffic, he decided to take liberties to park his Merc in an other-wise no parking zone. A conscientious traffic cop noticed all this and he immediately rushed to Russi who had started sauntering towards the Bombay House entrance.
In a gruff voice the Pandu Havaldar asked Russi. "Kyun bhidu, baap kaa sadak samajh kay rakha hai kya?"
Russi very non-chalantly replied: "Haan kuchh aisa hi hai. Aapko English padhna aata hai kya?"
Then he gently held the Pandu's arm and walked him to the kerbside and pointed to the metal signage of the road. He asked the cop "Kya Likha Hai?"
The cop said "Sir Homi Mody Street". A mischievously smiling Russi discloses"Woh Mera Baap Tha".
Russi was allowed to leave his car parked in the "No Parking" Zone that Sunday morning.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Boss Kidnapped

Some Trainees, who had just joined, notice this and enquire about what happened to a senior employee, they ask, "What's going on?"
"Terrorists have kidnapped our Boss"
They're asking for Rs.10 Crores ransom, otherwise they're going to douse him with petrol and set him on fire.
We're going from desk to desk, taking up a collection."
One Trainee asks, "How much is everyone giving, on average?
"About 1 litre."


"Hey, send a hot coffee in accounts Dept in 2 min"
CEO shouted: Do you know with whom u are talking?
Trainee: NO
CEO: I am CEO of the Company.
Trainee in the same tone: Do you know with whom you are talking?
Trainee said: Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and disconnected the phone
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Killing a girl child is akin to killing a thousand saints
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Alcholic & Non-alcholic
Work progressed. However, when it was almost complete and was about to open a few days later, a strong lightning struck the bar and it was burnt to the ground.

In its reply to the court, the church denied all responsibility or any connection that their prayers were reasons to the bar shop's demise. In support of their claim they referred to the Benson study at Harvard that inter-cessionary prayer had no impact !
As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork and at the hearing and commented:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Nizam's Footwear and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
When Malaviya was trying to build a good university, he had to overcome many difficulties and barriers. He worked with determination to start the university. There was a funds crisis; but he did not get disheartened. He went from town to town, met many rich people and traders to collect donations.
He went to the Nizam of Hyderabad(then reputedly the richest man in the world) to request him for funds. The Nizam was furious, " How dare you come to me for funds and that too for a Hindu University? " He roared with anger, took off his footwear and flung it at Malaviya.
Malaviya picked up the footwear and left silently. He went directly to the market place and began to auction the footwear. As it was Nizam's footwear, many came forward to buy it. The bids kept going up.
When Nizam heard of this, he became uneasy. He thought it would be an insult if his footwear were to be bought by someone for a pittance. So he sent one of his attendants with the instruction, 'Buy that footwear no matter whatever the price be!'
Thus, Malaviya managed to sell the Nizam's own footwear back to him, for a huge amount. He used that money to build the BanarasHinduUniversity.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Utsav in Pune

Monday, April 6, 2009
The youth vote is sadly underestimated by party analysts.
Yes, it is true, the trend analysts who tell party spindoctors where to target their advertising dollars and public relations efforts traditionally over-look the youth market. Why? Because the sad reality is that election year after election year the percentage of eligible youth who actually register and vote is small when compared with other demographics. This doesn't mean the youth market isn't a force, just that it isn't a main motivator in the drafting of campaign platforms and pre-election advertising. So, like any self-respecting rebellious young person the natural thing to do is go against the grain and do the unexpected. Keep them on their toes, shock them into the 21st century and get out and vote!
The biggest election issues often directly effect the youth of the nation.
The war in Iraq (young soldiers are the ones dying), education funding both public school and post-secondary, employment and job training programs, and reproductive rights issues are just a few of the current hot topics that directly effect the quality of your life RIGHT NOW. Think about the future and the world you will one day "inherit" from the power generation and you can add environmental concerns, fossil fuel consumption, farming and livestock funding (think the food supply is shrinking with every farm that can't sustain itself) and the list just gets longer. Add any issues that are near and dear to your heart on a personal level and the list becomes a little overwhelming. Don't vote and you effectively kiss away your ability to have any influence as to how these issues play out in your world, and dude, that's just lame.
The only way democracy works is if citizens, young and old, are active participants.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this one is an oldy, but hey let's face it, it's also a goody. A government by the people, for the people just can't work without the people. This is a simple fact. Like a car without an engine, or a computer without a hard drive, a democracy without voters is just a shell and has no power. While it is easy to say "one vote doesn't make a difference" the reality is that every vote counts... have you heard of Florida? Also you have to remember that as an individual your vote may seem to be little more than a whisper but when your vote is combined with the votes of others who share your views it becomes a voice and the more like-voters there are the louder that voice grows. So get out there and make the youth vote be heard.
If you don't vote you really have no right to complain about government decisions you don't like (no matter how much they actually suck).
OK, if there is one thing that is really annoying to us actual voters it is the endless ramblings on the bad political policy of a current government spewing from the mouths of eligible voters who never bothered to cast a ballot. If you don't vote it is like saying you don't care how your country is run, so if you don't care where do you get the idea that you can complain when something happens that you don't like? If you don't vote you really have no right complaining about anything the government does and if your like most young people you like complaining and have it down to a fine art. Want the right to complain when TPTB (the powers that be) make a truly heinous decision? Then you must exercise your right to vote.
Bottom line: you should vote because you can.
Voting is a tremendous gift. Believe it or not, young people just like you in other countries actually fight and even die for this right; a right that so many youth in democratic nations take for granted. You should vote because you can, if you don't you may one day wake up in a country where you can't. It can (and has) happened. Enough said!
Vote-bank politics
India's problems are complex. And unfortunately these are compounded by vote-bank politics. Instead of uniting the different sections of society, many politicians divide it to keep their vote banks intact. If people are united, politicians won't be able to get votes through divisive politics. In such a situation, the only way for them to win votes would be through good performance.
As citizens, we must protect our country from those who manipulate issues for their personal gains and who lead by playing vote-bank politics. Those with vested interests support insensible decisions and oppose sensible ones. We have to steer clear of such leaders. We must encourage broad-minded politicians and leaders to come forward and take charge, and to educate and uplift the society - spiritually, morally and socially.
We need leaders who are satya-darshi (truthful), sam-darshi (equanimous), priya-darshi (pleasant), paar-darshi (transparent) and door-darshi (visionary). So, before we elect our leaders, we should examine their qualifications.
We must elect leaders who will do away with policies based on caste, creed, religion and region; who will ensure that every child gets a multi-cultural, multi-dimensional education.
We need leadership with a mission and a vision, leadership with a spirit of sacrifice, compassion and commitment. We must choose leaders who have a long-term vision and short-term plans to achieve it. They should have great personal integrity, and place the country before themselves.
Unfortunately, most of our politicians lack a sense of sacrifice and inclusiveness. Irrespective of the party they belong to, people perceive politicians as insincere. Today, people are fed up of them. This is when apathy sets in among people. They dismiss politics as a whole and withdraw from their basic duty of voting.
Our votes are an important tool to bring about a change in the system; they give us an opportunity to raise our voice against injustice. But many of us have developed a chalta hai attitude, because we fail to see the power of our votes. This attitude is dangerous for the country. By not voting we are encouraging the status quo.
Each one of us must not only vote but also encourage others around us to vote. When good, intelligent and well-educated people don't vote, they play into the hands of politicians, who use money and vote bank politics to seize power. People should not lose hope. Good politicians exist. And they must be given a chance to do the best they can for the country, for its people.
We have seen the shortcomings of capitalism, communism and socialism. Now is the time for humanism and spiritualism. Politics without humanism and spiritualism is bound to be dirty. Many people believe that spiritualism is not for this world, that it is not a practical tool to bring about societal transformation. But that's a misconception. Mahatma Gandhi was spiritual. He conducted satsangs every day and played an important role in bringing freedom for our country.
That is why today we need leaders who have a spirit of sacrifice, and who are spiritual in their outlook, to enter politics.

Monday, March 30, 2009
Your vote counts a lot!

When the barber goes to open his shop the next morning there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.
Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The cop is happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the barber goes to open up there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
Later that day, a college professor comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The professor is very happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the barber opens his shop, there is a 'thank you' card and a dozen different books, such as 'How to Improve Your Business' and 'Becoming More Successful.'
Then, a Member of Parliament comes in for a haircut , and when he goes to pay his bill the barber again replies, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Member of Parliament is very happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the barber goes to open up, there are a dozen Members of Parliament lined up waiting for a free haircut.
And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the Members of Parliament.
Vote carefully this year. Your vote counts a lot!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saints in India

Once somebody asked Guruji, how is it that all the saints and sages are born in India?
Guruji replied – jaise Simla mein apples milte hai, Kerala mein narial milate hai, vaise hi India mein saints milate hai….yahan ki mitti ka yahi gun hai….
(like you get apples in Simla, coconuts in Kerala…so you get saints in India…..)

Resource Management

One of his disciples approached him and said humbly " Oh my teacher ! While you are so much concerned about the world and others, why don't you look into the welfare and needs of your own disciples also."
Buddha : "OK.. Tell me how I can help you?"
Disciple : "Master! My attire is worn out and is beyond the decency to wearthe same. Can I get a new one, please."
Buddha found the robe indeed was in a bad condition which needed replacement. He asked the store keeper to give the disciple a new robe towear on. The disciple thanked Buddha and retired to his room.
Though he met his disciple's requirement, Buddha was not all that contended on hisdecision. He realized he missed out some point. A while after, he realized what he should have asked the disciple.
He went to his disciple's place and asked him "Is your new attirecomfortable? Do you need anything more ?"
Disciple : "Thank you my Master. The attire is indeed very comfortable. I need nothing more"
Buddha : "Having got the new one, what did you do with your old attire?"
Disciple : "I am using it as my bed spread"
Buddha "Then.. hope you have disposed off your old bed spread"
Disciple " No.. no.. master. I am using my old bedspread as my window curtain"
Buddha " What about your old Curtain?"
Disciple "Being used to handle hot utensils in the kitchen"
Buddha : "Oh.. I see.. Can you tell me what did they do with the old cloth they used in Kitchen"
Disciple : "They are being used to wash the floor."
Buddha "Then, what about the old rug being used to wash the floor...???"
Disciple "Master, since they were torn off so much, we could not find any better use, but to use as a twig in the oil lamp, which is right now lit inyour study room...."
Saturday, March 28, 2009
New year Message from Guruji......

Happy New Year! We are entering the 5,110th year… it has been 19 billion 729 million 49,100 years since the beginning of the planet earth.
A cycle (of time) comprises 60 years. Every year has a name. This year is called Virodhi (which literally means to oppose). There are more chances of people fighting in this time.
Antarmukhi, sadasukhi: When one is centered, then there is happiness always.
This New Year will be good. It will always be good, always evolutionary for the devotee -whatever the time and the prediction. It is time to move to a higher dimension.
Whatever happens, happens for the good. Chant Om Namah Shivay.
Meditation is important. Even if one percent of you all meditate, it helps the remaining 99 percent of the population. This year everyone has to meditate and do satsang. The rest of the population will thrive on your spirituality. This year keep your spiritual goal. The material goals can be kept aside.
Meditate, do satsang, read knowledge sheets. By doing that, you are helping others who have a hard time. People eat neem leaves and sweets on Ugadi to remind themselves that life is a mixture of both – the bitter and the sweet.
Jai Guru Dev
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir

A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is named. When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath.' He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them.'
The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'
The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech. 'And they say Kashmir belongs to them..................................................
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Shivaratri is the day of Lord Shiva. Shiva is the lord of meditation and therefore the lord of awakening. Shiva Tatva means to be awakened. Shivaratri is thus an occasion to awaken one's self from all sorts of slumber.Shivaratri is not a night to be slept over. One should try and be up through the night. It signifies being aware of everything you have and being grateful about it. Be grateful for the happiness which leads to growth, and also for sadness which gives a depth to life.
This is the right way of observing Shivaratri.For the pious, the following method of Shiva worship is advisable – sit down in lotus posture, do some Pranayam to stabilize your breath, then indulge in Dhyana, followed by chanting of "Om Namah Shivay". It is the greatest mantra and the devout should drown himself in its Kirtan.
Shivaratri worship leads to fulfillment of a devotee's wishes. There are certain days and time frames in a year that enhance one's mental and spiritual faculties. In such times, whatever one wishes, materializes. Shivaratri is one such day. All this is very scientific.Going to temples on this day is OK but you should remember that Shiva is everywhere. The meaning of Kailasa (legendary abode of Shiva in Himalayas) is celebration. So where there is happiness and celebration, Shiva is present.Whether in Sanyasa or Sansara, you can't escape Shiva. Feeling his presence all the time is the essence of Shivaratri. That is the real Sanyasa.
No worship is complete without offering something to the deity. Shiva is a very simple lord, He is innocent – Bholanath. One just needs to offer bel-patra to him. But in this simplicity is a deep message. Bel-patra offerings signify the surrender of all three aspects of one's nature – Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. You have to surrender the positives and negatives of your life to Shiva and become carefree! The greatest offering is your self.To offer one's self is the key to happiness in life. Afterall, why do you get sad? It is mainly because you are not able to achieve something in life. At such times you should surrender everything to the all knowing God. The greatest power is in surrender to the divine. It's like a drop owning the ocean. If a drop remains separate, it will perish. But when it becomes the ocean, it is eternal!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Just when the! clock struck 11...and then......

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Something beyond
There is something more than what seems to exist. Something beyond what the senses can perceive. That ‘something beyond’ makes its presence felt when logic does not work, when planning fail ….something beyond the intellect. It rules …it maintains this creation…and also transforms it…That ‘something beyond’ knows me much better than I know myself…. It is an experience, is a realization, is a recognition…

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Ashramite friend Vikram had already planned some gardening activities for us.

While all of us were enjoying work, Shashank was making everyone comfortable with shade and water and Vinayak was in the Kitchen looking after the lunch arrangements.
After a physical exhaustion for about 3 hrs all of us marched towards the pious Bheema.