All that an aware mind looks for is clarity, clarity of mind. Many a times our perceptions are distorted. What meets the eyes need not be true. We have had experienced this many a times. A stick, half in water and half out looks bend. A board which has the picture of a parrot on one side and the cage on the other side, when rotated along its vertical axis shows that the parrot is in the cage. Now we know for sure that neither the stick is bent nor the parrot is in the cage but our senses deceive us day and night. But all that we believe and know in the visible world is through our senses. And how many times have we doubted them?
There is something more than what seems to exist. Something beyond what the senses can perceive. That ‘something beyond’ makes its presence felt when logic does not work, when planning fail ….something beyond the intellect. It rules …it maintains this creation…and also transforms it…That ‘something beyond’ knows me much better than I know myself…. It is an experience, is a realization, is a recognition…

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